Saturday, November 20, 2021

TJs spatchocked chicken with lemon marinade

 Four stars--if it had been organic I would say five, but that's s philosophical thing that doesn't affect the flavor.

I queried family and friends that cook at home a lot for simple, tasty, almost-ready food I could try,--extra points if it is from TJs. Nearly all of us shop there.  Maria suggested this whole chicken. Skin on, bone in, makes it forgiving in the timing. I've made lots of similar chicken with breasts only--the advantage of this one is light and dark meat, and it is already marinated.  And it serves more people--Dobies Sr and Jr, plus Nadia, and just a soupcon of chicken left over. I followed a suggestion from a cooking blog to put potatoes in it. I grabbed organic three color tiny potatoes and carrots, and surrounded the chicken with them. I haven't tried the flavors of the different colors of vegetables for awhile, and it was fun to do--although not very beautiful to look at. The veggies didn't absorb as much juice as I thoutht they might, but it was fine to have some left in te pan for leftover vegetables. I would like to try Dobies' version using linguini.  I tried a salad kit from TJs that featured lemon in the dressing and feta cheese, among other thigns. We tossed it like mad and I thought it tasted great along side.  

I was slow to get the chicken served and it cooled too much.  Next time I will have a plan-- It need to be off the bone, with the skin removed, and sliced or forked into edible pieces a few minutes after it is out of the oven.  It really is top=notch for no fuss, no muss.