Thursday, September 24, 2020


Good 'Ole Standby pasta sauce with whole grain linguine

Cooking My Way Through Co-Vid Lockdown while trying to find Med-diet-ish food your husband will eat. 

In an effort to find something more in line with the diet recommended for Mark's arthritis, we tried fresh linguine made with cauliflower flour and chickpea flour. Both were fine, but the chickpea was better. 

We use any jar of tomato pasta sauce with no sugar, hopefully organic (for the farm workers, not we two consumers). I usually saute some mushrooms, cooked artichoke heart if it is handy, a relatively small amount of chicken or turkey sausage if it is around, sometimes a can of diced tomatoes. Combine in whatever ratio one prefers, taste and adjust with a little garlic or herbs or whatever. Put fresh parm on top, put some green vegetable on the side and that's it!

For dessert, cherry and blueberry pie or crisp or plain with cream sprayed on it. The fruit is supposed to be high in antioxidents, which we try to get in the daily diet.

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