Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Excellent grown-up carrot pasta sauce

 This was one of my favorite things I've made in recent memory!  Such a wonderful, interesting taste!  It was a combination of these two recipes.


1 Tbsp oil over med  or med/low heat.  Added 1 Tbsp brown sugar + 2 Tbsp white miso.  Stired vigorously to avoid burning.  Added 2 chopped shallots, turned heat lower, browned them for 5 min.  Added heaping 2 C carrots sliced thinly.  Cooked another 5 min (trying to brown them).

Added 2 C water, 2 bay leaf, 1/4 cup raw cashew nuts, juice from 1/2 lemon, 1/4 tsp salt, 10 or so grinds of black pepper.  Covered and simmered for 15 min for carrots to soften.  (remove bay leaf!!)  Blended until very smooth.

Added about 1/2 Tbsp dijon mustard and 3 Tbsp sour cream.  (the dijon and lemon are key flavors not to be left out).  blended again.


Blended olive oil (2-4 Tbsp?) with 1-2 handfulls of flat leaf parsley, 1 fat garlic clove and 1/4 tsp salt in small "wet" food processor.


Cooked the pasta for minimum time on package, reserved 1 C of the cooking water, and added pasta back together with sauce + 1/4 C of the water and stired around vigorously.  Let simmer for 1 more minute.

Served pasta with a dollop of pesto on top.  SO GOOD!


For next time, I'll try the stick blender (so I don't have to use the blender).  I'll maybe go cashew nuts or sour cream but not both (not that it's bad but just to simplify).  The ratios of everything could be fiddled with. For example, I could imagine it sweeter, maybe 1.5 - 2 Tbsp brown sugar at the start ?

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