Friday, June 28, 2024

Chipotle honey chicken tacos (NYT)

 Made this today.  Very good!  would make again.  We used 3 chili's in adobo sauce.  Maria thought it was good, a  little spicy.  David thought not quite spicy enough.

Really nice with the fresh corn tortillas, though!

Monday, June 24, 2024

Garlic shrimp and espinacas con garbanzos

Two nicely paried dishes for a great dinner!  

The shrimp recipe is page 169 of Smitten Keepers.  [recipe to follow].
Espinacas con garbanzos recipe is here (we made a few changes, so the as-cooked version is below).

shrimp recipe (as we cooked it)
14 large shrimp with shell on (7 each).  I thawed and soaked them in milk for 30 min, then rinsed.

Toss thawed shrimp in 3 Tbsp white wine (we used Josh pinot grigio) and season with salt and pepper.
Heat on med-high (7 out of 10 on our burner), 3-4 Tbsp butter (cut into 1 Tbsp pats) in large skillet.
Add 4-6 cloves chopped garlic
Add 1/2 tsp salt and 1/4 tsp smoked paprika
Pour in shrimp + wine mixture.
Cook 5 minutes, flipping at 2.5 min

Turn off the heat, pour over juice from 1/2 lemon.  Finish with chopped flat leaf parsley.

Serve immediately with crusty bread.

So good!
Espinacas con Garbanzo

Heat 2 Tbsp olive oil over low heat (2 out of 10 for us).  Add 1/4 - 1/2 onion finely chopped.  Cook 4-5 min until a few are starting to gold around the edges.  Add 4 chopped garlic cloves and cook 3-4 min longer.  We want almost everything to be lightly (not darkly) golden.  

Optionally, add 1 heaping tsp tomato paste in the last 2 min.

Add 1/2 cup tomato puree (we use canned TJ), 1/4 tsp smoked paprika, 1/8 tsp sugar, 1/4 tsp cumin, and salt to taste (at least 1/2 tsp).  Stir everything together and add 1 cans worth rinsed and drained chickpeas.  If there's not enough liquid, add a splash of pinot grigio or broth or water until it's the right consistency for you.  We really liked it with the wine this time around.  Simmer a few minutes.

Add a few big handfuls of fresh spinach (~2 cups) and stir until they shrink.  Serve right away.  Feel free to keep adding small amounts of liquid to get the consistency right.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Pasta with mushroom and sausage (morels this time)

 Maria brought almost 1/2 lbs of morels from the famrer's market.  I followed this recipe but stopped before the baking part.  Very delicious!

Prep the morels

Cut in half, agitated in cold water, removed to a baking sheet and salted heavily.  After 1-2 hours, rinsed in cold water, and then let dry for another 1-2 hours.

Pasta sauce

Browned bulk chicken sausage in oil, removed.

In dry pan over medium high heat, cooked mushrooms (morels + some button mushrooms cut into largish pieces).  After water released, add 1-2 Tbsp olive oil.  Cooked on low for 10 minutes to brown.

Added 1/4 cup minced shallot + 2 minced garlic cloves + 2 Tbsp butter.  Cooked for 2-3 min.

Added 1 Tbsp lemon juice + 1 Tbsp soy sauce.

Added ~2 Tbsp flour, sprinkled around and stirred.

Whisked in ~2 C chicken stock (homemade) and 1C heavy cream.

Simmered on low ~2 min until thickened.

Added ??? some amount of grated parmesan.

Put frozen green peas and chopped sausage back in.  Added about 1/4 chopped flat leaf parsley.
