Monday, January 18, 2021

Asian frittata experiment

 ...was pretty successful!

3 large garlic cloves + comparable minced ginger + white part of 3 scallions.  Simmer in oil for 30 seconds.  Added half a small cauliflower chopped into smallish bits + half a red and half a green bell pepper.  Add 1/2 tsp salt.  After they were cooked, added lots of oyster mushrooms and cooked.

Meanwhile, 5 eggs + 1/4 cup half and half + 3/4 tsp soy sauce + 1/2 tsp sesame oil + 1/2 tsp salt.

After insides are cooked, add egg mixture and cook on low for ~5 min until set underneath.  Then cooked 8-10 min @ 400 F.  Removed, set to broil, added chopped green scallion parts on top and maybe 1/2 - 1 cup monterey jack cheese.  Broiled until cheese browned.

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