Sunday, February 10, 2019

Wonton noodle soup

This came out quite well!  The wonton filling is really delicious!

I followed this recipe for the wontons:

It took about 15 minutes to prep the insides, and then about 40 seconds per won ton.  The recipe made 50.  I was using a heaping teaspoon (rather than her 2 tsp) for the filling.

Yesterday I made chicken stock using ~ 4 lbs. chicken legs from lion + 2 scallions chopped into 4" pieces, 1/2 big onion and about 4" ginger cut into ~ 10 quarter-sized rounds.  Cooked in the slow cooker for 8 hours.  After cooling in the refrigerator I skimmed some of the fat off the top since it was a little too much for my tastes.


Here's what I put into the stock...

The won-ton insides...  (I used shallot instead of scallion, but I'd probably change that for next time).

My first batch of 5!

Here they are!  Eventually there were 50...

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